The Rise School will use school suspension (fixed term or permanent) only as a last resort.
The decision to suspend:
Only the Headteacher (or the person in charge on the day, if the Headteacher is absent from The Rise School) can suspend a pupil.
A decision to suspend a pupil for a fixed-term might be considered as the last resort when:
- serious and repeated incidents have taken place
- allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of themselves or of other pupils
- a ‘cooling off’ period is considered essential for the pupil and/or time over and above what can reasonably be expected within the normal responsibilities of teaching or facilities staff is required in order to reorganise rooms, repair and make safe property damage, adjust teaching arrangement or to prepared new materials
To avoid the need for suspension, the school initiates three stages of support and recording prior to any fixed-term or permanent suspension. The only exception being when the impact of one incident is so severe that an immediate decision to suspend on a fixed-term basis is required to avoid serious harm to the education and welfare of the pupil or others in the school.
Before deciding to suspend a pupil the Headteacher will:
- consider all the relevant facts in the context of the school’s policies for behaviour, safeguarding and child protection
- ensure that all the relevant evidence has been considered
- give the pupil an opportunity to be heard
- consult other relevant people if necessary.
Inappropriate suspension
The Rise School considers that any exclusion will normally be inappropriate in cases of:
- minor breaches of discipline;
- poor academic performance;
- truancy or lateness;
- pregnancy;
- non-compliance with uniform regulations, except where this amounts to a defiance of The Rise School’s authority; and in response to the unacceptable behaviour/attitude/conduct of a pupil’s parents.
Fixed-term suspension
The Headteacher is permitted to suspend a pupil for one or more fixed term periods not exceeding 45 school days in any one school year.
The Rise School will take reasonable steps to set and mark work for a pupil during the first five school days of an suspension, during which time parents can be expected to provide supervision for their child.
For a fixed-period suspension of more than five schools days, the governing body must arrange suitable full-time education for any pupil of compulsory school age.
Permanent suspension
A decision to suspend a pupil permanently, as befitting its gravity, would only be considered in very rare and exceptional circumstances and only when the three stage process has been completed and exhausted. These might be:
- In response to serious breach, or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour policy, e.g. violence, actual or threatened, against a pupil or student or member of staff; sexual abuse or assault; supplying an illegal drug; or carrying an offensive weapon.
- Where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.