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The Rise School secondary school curriculum

On this page, you will find details about our curriculum offer at The Rise School. If you have any queries or wish to find out more about our offer, please contact us at 

The secondary curriculum is divided into eight areas, each of which contributes to the development of the key skills, both academic and personal in order to be successful.

Our social curriculum is a fourth “core” subject and is essential for the holistic development and well-being for our young people.

See our secondary curriculum map.

English is central to our curriculum at The Rise School and here's why:

  • English unlocks pupils’ access to all other areas of the curriculum.
  • GCSE English (or equivalent) is a core qualification needed to access opportunities beyond school.
  • Being functional in English is necessary for participation in society.
  • Reading great stories and literature is an important way to learn about ourselves, others and the world around us.

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, and year 9.

At The Rise we have developed a robust Primary to Secondary curriculum which enables pupils to make progress, building on and revisiting material learnt in previous years.

The purpose of developing a specific maths curriculum is to:

  • Ensure pupils receive positive messages about Maths and build their confidence.
  • Ensure that pupil s use their numeracy skills across the curriculum
  • Secure high standards and age related expectations across the school
  • Set out the school's agreed approach to the teaching of numeracy skills across phases
  • Identify where pupils need additional support via Dynamo Maths programme and Intervention TLAs.

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, and year 9.

Science is an important part of the curriculum at The Rise School because it helps us to understand the world around us.

Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce to what an atom is made up of is the result of scientific research and experiment.

View curriculum for key stage 3, key stage 4, including GCSE Combined Science in more detail.

Year 7, year 8, year 9, year 10, and year 11.

Citizenship is more than just a subject it is a life lesson. It empowers pupils to become advocates of issues that are important and helps pupils be more informed and open minded.

This is taught through lessons covering democracy and parliament, law and justice, global issues like nuclear weapons and civil disobedience. Pupils also learn about their rights and responsibilities. They receive important lessons on critical media literacy, economy and finance.

Pupils engage in debates about important topics in current affairs and they are encouraged to always challenge the idea and never the person. There are opportunities to enhance their learning on the subjects through visits to places such as the Houses of Parliament and Court of Justice.

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, year 9, year 10, and year 11.

At The Rise School, we believe that history is a vital part of an all-round education; it is much more than simply studying events from the past because pupils:

  • Learn unique historical skills such as ‘causation’ and ‘significance’.
  • Learn useful skills that transfer to other subjects in the curriculum, such as the ability to compare, describe, analyse and evaluate.
  • Express and justify their opinions.
  • Acquire useful skills for the workplace: critical thinking, weighing up pros and cons before making a reasoned decision.

 View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, year 9, year 10, and year 11.


Arts and culture are truly celebrated at The Rise School because lessons are tailored to allow all pupils the opportunity to explore the arts in their own way and to meet their diverse needs.

Our pupils take part in two or three art and design lessons a week. They work closely on the process of creating art mindfully by exploring different mediums – e.g. paint, oil pastel, sculpture, printing and photography.

View curriculum for key stage 3 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, year 9, year 10, and year 11.

At The Rise School we encourage pupils to be inquisitive and creative through music. Learning music enables pupils to form many cross-curricular links, as well as learning to be creative and expressive, and to collaborate with others in a variety of ensembles.

Music proudly brings our community together with regular performances to showcase our talents.

Pupils in KS1, KS2 and KS3 have weekly music lessons with a subject specialist teacher and our bespoke curriculum balances performing, composing, listening and appraising skills across a breadth of musical styles. Pupils learn the piano throughout, as well as other instrumental opportunities in units including ukuleles and guitars.

 View the curriculum for key stage 3 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, year 9, and year 10. See our music development plan.

At The Rise School our PE curriculum has been purposefully designed in order to develop pupils overall health and well-being, fundamental movement skills, team and individual sports and water competency.

We build on from PE curriculum in primary school where pupils developed fundamental movement skills (FMS).

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, year 9, year 10, and year 11.

Weaving wellbeing is a Public, Social, Economic and Health Education (PSHE) program designed to teach children skills and strategies which develop positive mental health. The skills are based on current research from the field of positive psychology.

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail. 

Year 10 and year 11.

At The Rise School we follow a bespoke computing curriculum broadly based on the national curriculum. Pupils gain skills and knowledge in computer science, information technology (IT) and digital literacy. In computer science pupils learn a range of skills covering algorithms, decomposition and computational thinking. They are introduced to a range of programming tools including both block based languages such as Scratch and textual languages such as Python.

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail.

Year 7, year 8, year 9, year 10, and year 11.


iMedia curriculum

Year 10 and year 11.

In our specialist food technology room we nurture the all-important life skill of home cooking. For our young pupils we have a weekly cooking club where we explore both sweet and savoury recipes, as well as the children’s own favourite recipes.

In KS3 and KS4 we develop the skills which lead to the pupils studying BTEC Level 1 and Level 2 Awards in Home Cooking Skills.

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail. 

Year 7, year 8, year 9, year 10, and year 11.

Yoga is part of the schools wellbeing curriculum and is aims to support our pupils in creating a positive sense of self alongside increased body awareness. Through lessons pupils will focus on the following four key aspects: ability to calm, flexibility, strength and co-ordination.

We aim to help pupils develop and provide pupils with self-regulating skills that can be added to their ‘tool kit’ and be called upon across all aspects of their lives. It also provides them with essential relaxation time that allow them to recharge both physically and mentally.

View curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 in more detail.