We welcomed all pupils back at the start of term and our new year seven pupils settled in very quickly. Our year 12 pupils have had a seamless transition into the Rise Sixth Form and have made an excellent start to their courses. We look forward to following the progress of all our students over the coming year.
The School Council has been working hard and has organised donations for the food bank. A massive thank you to all the families and the staff who contributed. A huge amount of food was deposited and delivered to the food bank to celebrate the Harvest Festival.
Our year 11 pupils took their first IGCSE English exam and the pupils worked very hard and showed real resilience. We are all so proud of them.
On Thursday 12 October, we held our Sixth Awards Evening – a huge highlight of the year. Pupils in each class received awards for effort and attainment during 2022-2023. We were also able to celebrate the achievements of last year’s year 11s, who received a folder containing all their certificates.